Spousal Sponsorship

Unite with your loved ones in Canada with our Spousal Sponsorship Service.


Realize your dream of starting a new life together in Canada with our Spousal Sponsorship service. Our team, composed of RCIC (Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant), professionals, provides expert assistance throughout the intricate spousal sponsorship process. We are committed to ensuring a smooth and seamless journey for you and your spouse, paving the way for your shared future in Canada.

Why Choose Our Spousal Sponsorship Service

Navigating the spousal sponsorship process can be challenging. As a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC), governed by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants, we offer a comprehensive service tailored to your individual needs. Our goal is to provide reliable, ethical services that maximize your chances of success and bring you and your spouse together as quickly as possible.

A man with laptop

Minimum Requirements

To sponsor your spouse, you must:

  • You’re a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.

  • Be at least 18 years old

  • Live in Canada

  • Prove that you are not receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability

  • Be able to provide the basic needs of the person you want to sponsor



Eligibility Assessment

We start by evaluating your eligibility based on your residency status, age, financial situation, and the nature of your relationship.


Document Preparation

Correct documentation is key. We assist you in compiling, organizing, and reviewing all necessary documents to meet the spousal sponsorship requirements.


Application Submission

We guide you in completing and submitting your application, ensuring it's error-free and optimally presented.


Post-Submission Support

Our commitment doesn't end with the submission. We continue to update you on your application status and answer any queries you may have.

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What is the Spousal Sponsorship program and how can Root On help with it?
What financial obligations do I have when sponsoring my spouse?
What happens if my spouse and I divorce while the sponsorship application is still being processed?
Can Root On help if my previous spousal sponsorship application was refused?
How does Root On handle applications involving common-law partners?
What's Root On's track record with Spousal Sponsorship applications?
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