
Secure your future with our Investor Program


The Investor Program provides a pathway for individuals with significant financial resources to invest in Canada and obtain permanent residency. Our team of experts specializes in guiding investors through the application process, ensuring a smooth and successful immigration journey.

Why Choose Our Investor Program Service

With our Investor Program Service, you gain the advantage of expert guidance and support throughout the application process. We understand the specific requirements and criteria for the Investor Program, and we can provide valuable assistance in navigating the complexities of the program. Our goal is to maximize your chances of success and help you achieve your investment goals in Canada.

A man with laptop

Minimum Requirements

To be eligible for the Investor Program, you must:

  • Have a significant net worth, usually at least CAD 2 million

  • Be willing to make a non-guaranteed investment of at least CAD 1.2 million in a government-approved investment fund for a designated period

  • Demonstrate your business or investment experience

  • Meet the required language proficiency in English or French



Eligibility Assessment

We begin by evaluating your eligibility based on the program requirements, including your net worth, investment capacity, and business experience.


Document Preparation

We assist you in compiling the necessary documents to support your application, including evidence of your net worth, investment funds, and business experience.


Investment Guidance

We provide guidance on selecting a government-approved investment fund and help you navigate the investment process.


Application Submission

We assist with the completion and submission of your Investor Program application, ensuring accuracy and completeness.


Post-Submission Support

Our support continues after the application is submitted. We provide updates on your application status, address any inquiries from immigration authorities, and offer guidance throughout the process.

Our Plans

DELF-DALF Self-Study
For students who want to prepare for the DELF-DALF exams at their own pace with a comprehensive range of study materials and practice tests.
Validity: 90 days
  • Suitable for those:
    • Who prefer to study at their own pace.
    • Learners looking for the flexibility to progress as they wish.
    • Self-directed individuals comfortable with independent learning.
  • Course Overview:
    • Practice exercises for all DELF and DALF sections.
    • Grammar and vocabulary enhancement tailored for the exams.
    • In-depth coverage of listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills.
    • Access to full-length practice tests that simulate the real exam experience.
    • Analysis and feedback on speaking and writing responses.
  • Course Outline:
    • DELF-DALF Test Introduction - Understanding test structure and effective strategies.
    • Listening Comprehension - Diverse exercises covering all question types.
    • Reading and Vocabulary - Strategies for passage comprehension and vocabulary building.
    • Writing Skills - Guided practice on writing production tasks.
    • Speaking Skills - Preparation for the speaking interview and spontaneous speaking tasks.
Most Popular
DELF-DALF Tailored Prep
A flexible DELF-DALF preparation plan that can be tailored to focus on specific skills or test sections as needed by the student.
Validity: Based on selected modules
  • Suitable for:
    • Students who need targeted practice in specific DELF-DALF modules.
    • Those who have a base in French but want to improve certain skills.
    • Learners seeking a combination of self-study and optional live coaching.
  • Course Overview:
    • Module-specific practice tests and exercises.
    • In-depth study materials for selected sections.
    • Options for personalized feedback and coaching sessions.
    • Customizable module selection based on student's needs.
  • Course Outline (Choose any or all):
    • Listening: Custom exercises, practice tests.
    • Reading: Advanced reading comprehension, vocabulary usage.
    • Writing: Feedback on essays, guided writing tasks.
    • Speaking: Personalized speaking exercises, one-on-one practice.
  • Course Options:
    • Self-Study: Access to targeted materials for autonomous learning.
    • Live Coaching: Personal coaching in selected areas for deeper understanding.
DELF-DALF Intensive
An accelerated DELF-DALF prep course designed for quick and effective test preparation.
Validity: 30 days
  • Suitable for:
    • Individuals who need a quick and intensive preparation for the DELF-DALF exams.
    • Students who want a structured, comprehensive study plan with quick results.
    • Learners looking for an all-encompassing approach with extensive instructor support.
  • Course Overview:
    • Intensive practice sessions for all test components.
    • Rapid learning techniques for quick mastery of test material.
    • Direct coaching from experienced DELF-DALF instructors.
    • Timed, simulated tests with immediate feedback.
    • Specialized materials designed for accelerated learning.
  • Course Outline:
    • DELF-DALF Accelerator: Key strategies and rapid improvement techniques.
    • Intensive Listening: Comprehensive listening drills and exercises.
    • Rapid Reading: Fast-paced reading and analysis techniques.
    • Writing Mastery: Accelerated writing tasks and instant feedback.
    • Speaking Fast-Track: Quickfire speaking drills and evaluations.

Explore Your Options:
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A lady


What is the Investor Immigration Program and how can Root On assist with this?
What kind of investment do I need to make for the Investor Visa?
What kind of business experience do I need for the Investor Visa?
Can Root On help me choose an investment opportunity for the Investor Visa?
Can my family accompany me if I immigrate under the Investor Visa Program?
How long does it typically take to process an Investor Visa?
Streamline Your Immigration Journey with Experts
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