Closed Work Permit

Work in Canada with our Closed Work Permit Service.


A Closed Work Permit allows you to work for a specific employer in Canada. Whether you have a job offer from a Canadian employer or you are an employer looking to hire foreign workers, our team of immigration experts can guide you through the process of obtaining a Closed Work Permit. We are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of work permits, ensuring a smooth and successful work experience in Canada.

Why Choose Our Closed Work Permit Service

Maximize your opportunities in Canada with our Closed Work Permit Service. Our team, armed with extensive knowledge of the specific requirements and criteria for obtaining a closed work permit, provides professional guidance and unwavering support throughout your application process. We are committed to meticulously preparing your application and ensuring strict adherence to all immigration regulations. Our primary goal is to enhance your chances of successfully acquiring a work permit, paving the way for a smooth and rewarding work experience in Canada.

A man with laptop

Minimum Requirements

The specific requirements for a Closed Work Permit can vary depending on various factors, including the job offer and the individual's qualifications. Some common requirements may include:

  • A valid job offer from a Canadian employer

  • Proof that the job offer is genuine and the employer has obtained the necessary approvals

  • Evidence of qualifications and work experience relevant to the job offer

  • Meeting the language proficiency requirements in English or French, if applicable



Job Offer Validation

We assess the job offer to ensure it meets the requirements for a Closed Work Permit and is supported by a legitimate employer.


LMIA Acquisition

We assist in securing your employer's LMIA with precision, backed by our expertise in guiding to gather requisite documentation.


Document Preparation

We assist you in gathering the necessary documents, including the job offer letter, proof of qualifications, and other supporting documentation.


Application Submission

We help you to complete and submit the work permit application, ensuring that it is accurate, complete, and meets all the requirements.


Post-Submission Support

Our support continues after the application is submitted. We keep you informed about the progress of your application, address any inquiries from immigration authorities, and provide guidance throughout the process.

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A lady


What is a closed work permit and how does it differ from an open work permit?
What is LMIA and why is it required for a closed work permit?
How long does the LMIA-based Closed Work Permit process take?
Can my family accompany me if I have an LMIA-based Closed Work Permit?
Can I apply for permanent residence in Canada while on an LMIA-based Closed Work Permit?
Can I change employers with an LMIA-based Closed Work Permit?
Streamline Your Immigration Journey with Experts
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