Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

Navigate your path to Canadian permanent residency with our Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) Service.


The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a unique pathway for skilled workers with the skills, education, and work experience to contribute to the economy of a speciic province or territory in Canada. However, the process of applying for PNP can be complex. That's where we come in. Our expert RCIC professionals simplify the PNP application process, guiding you every step of the way.

Why Choose Our Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) Service

With our PNP Service, you gain the advantage of a streamlined process backed by extensive knowledge and experience. As a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC), governed by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants, we adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct. Our services are comprehensive, ethical, and designed to maximize your chances of success.

A man with laptop

Minimum Requirements

To be eligible for PNP, you must:

  • Have the skills, education, and work experience to contribute to the economy of a specific province or territory

  • Want to live in that province or territory

  • Want to become permanent residents of Canada

  • Meet the eligibility requirements of the province that nominates you



Eligibility Assessment

We begin by evaluating your eligibility, considering factors such as your skills, education, work experience, and your interest in living in a specific province or territory.


Document Preparation

Proper documentation is vital. We help you compile, organize, and review all necessary documents to ensure they meet Canada's immigration requirements.


Application Submission

We assist with the completion and submission of your application, ensuring it's error-free and optimally presented.


Post-Submission Support

Our commitment doesn't end with the submission. We continue to support you, providing updates about your application status and assisting with any queries you may have.

Our Plans

Flat Fee
Full-service option covering all aspects of the Express Entry application process.
Pricing: ₹ 300000 (Exclusive of Taxes)
  • Best for:
    • Clients who prefer a straightforward, worry-free process with no hidden costs.
  • Plan Overview:
    • Complete case management
    • Dedicated case manager
    • Comprehensive legal review
    • Strategy sessions for CRS score improvement
    • Real-time updates via client portal
DIY + Professional Review
Clients handle some tasks with professional guidance and final review.
Pricing: ₹ 59500 for single; ₹ 89000 for couple
  • Best for:
    • Clients handling some tasks with professional guidance and final review.
  • Plan Overview:
    • Initial consultation and process outline
    • Custom checklists and templates
    • Professional review and feedback
    • Final submission guidance
    • Limited email support
Most Popular
Hourly Consultation Fee
Consultation services charged on an hourly basis.
Pricing: ₹ 14750
  • Best for:
    • Clients needing targeted guidance without full-service commitment.
  • Plan Overview:
    • Flexible consultation bookings
    • Tailored advice on specific aspects of the Express Entry process
Custom Plan
Tailored services to fit unique or complex client scenarios not covered by other plans.
Pricing: ₹ Based on consultation
  • Best for:
    • Clients with non-standard cases, such as those with previous immigration history complications, cases requiring legal representation, or applicants with uncommon circumstances affecting their CRS score.
  • Plan Overview:
    • Initial detailed consultation to understand specific needs
    • Flexible service options designed around the client's situation
    • Option to include any services from other plans
    • Ongoing support adjusted to client requirements

Explore Your Options:
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A lady


What is the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), and how can Root On assist with this process?
Can I apply to more than one province under the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)?
What is the processing time for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) applications?
Can Root On assist if my Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) application is rejected?
How can Root On increase my chances of getting nominated under the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)?
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